Hi hiiiii~!! It's Tobi and I would like it if you sent me some treats!!! That's about it, byyee~!!
Hi hiiiii~!! It's Tobi and I would like it if you sent me some treats!!! That's about it, byyee~!!
1. Perfect?: Never!!
2. Tall?: Kinda
3. In your pajamas?: Nopea
4. Left handed?: Yepaz!!
1. Friend you saw: Deena-chan
2. Talked to on the phone: I cant remember
3. Person to text you: Tobi doesnt text
4. Was today better than yesterday?: I dont know
1. Number: 7
2. Color(s): Red, Black and Orange
3. Fruit: Grapefruitz!!
4. Place: Akatsuki base!! (I never really leave her...)
1. Are you missing someone right now? Nopez
2. Are you happy? Tobi is ALWAYZ happy!!
3. Are you sad? Never!
4. Are you bored? Kinda
6. Are you nervous? Senpai might kill me, but I have that risk all the time
8. Are you tired? A little
1. Eating? Cookiez
2. Drinking? 6 energy drinkz
3. I'm about to: Finish eating
4. Listening to? Hidan-senpai stabing himself (Stupid Jashist!!)
5. Plans for today? Eat, annoy, and tease!! (That spells eat...right?)
1. Drank bubbles? All the time!!
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Tobi stole some
3. Ran away from home? Nopez
4. Broken someone's heart? Tobi hopes not!!!
5. Been arrested? Maybe...
1. Miracles? Yepz!
2. Yourself? Sometimez
3. Heaven?
4. Santa Claus? Of course!!!
4. Love? Thats yucky
5. Do you like someone? Nopez, Thats yucky
6. Do you believe in God? Yes
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yepz
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Ate some pancakes with extra suguary syrup!! And sugar coated pecans!
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Not really
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: A Dora Movie (I cried...)
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: My room
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: Of course!!
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Yepz
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Of course!
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: On the floor in the hallway
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Yesterday
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: I don't remember...
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 9 3/4
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Hidan stabbing himself
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: I fell off the bed so...everything
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: December!!
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Sleep!!
Eye Color: Black.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5,2
Favorite Color: Red,Black and Orange
Screen Name: HyperLolipopTobi
Favorite Show: Naruto,Pokemon and blues clues!!
Your Car: Barbies van
Your Hometown: Konoha
Your Present Town: ...Wherever the Akatsuki hideout is
Your First Crush's Name: Love is yucky
Your Grade: Tobi is too stupid to go to school!
Sat on your rooftop? Yes.
Kissed someone in the rain? Kissing is yucky
Danced in a public place? All the time!! *does caramelldancen*
Smiled for no reason? All the time!!
Laughed so hard you cried? Yepz!
Peed your pants after age 8?...*looks around suspiciously* Maaaaybe...
Written a song? Nopez
Sang to someone for no reason? Nopez
Performed on a stage? I danced the caramelldancen at game night!!
Talked to someone you don't know? Tobi is a good boy, and its bad to talk to strangerz...
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Kinda
Made out in a theater? Making out is yucky!!
Been in love? Love is yucky!!!!
Say HI to you? Deena-chan
Tell you, I love you? Cant remember
Kiss you? Kissing is yucky!
Hug you? Deena-chan
Tell you BYE? Deidara-senpai and Hidan-senpai
Write you a note? I dont know
Take your photo? Myself
Buy you something? Myself
Write a poem about you? No one
Touch you? Deena-chan he hugged me
Time you cried? Yesterday (Because of Hidan-senpai...)
Time you laughed? 5 seconds ago
Song you've sang? The CaramellDancen
Time you've looked at the clock? Just now.
Drink you've had? Coffee!!
Book you've read? Tobi doesn't read!!!
Food you've eaten? Ramen!!
Shoes you've worn? Bunny Slipers
Store you've been in? The Stupid Factory
Thing you've said? Alot of thingz!!
Write with both hands? No
Whistle? No
Roll your tongue in a circle? Nopez
Cross your eyes? Nopez
Touch your tongue to your nose? Nopez
Dance? Yes (The Caramelldancen and Lucky Star Dance im profesional at!!)
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Duh!! Tobi is hyperz!!
Speak a different language? Yepz!
Impersonate someone? Yepz
Make a card pyramid? Tobis too stupid for that...
Cook anything? I made Akatsuki cookies for everyone!!!
If I were.. piece of candy, id be eaten
I wish.. Deidara and Hidan-senpai could be my friendz...*looks down*
So many people don't know that.. Tobi can be calm...
I am..TOBI!!!
Thankz for tagging me Deena-chan!!
Oi, everyone! Itz Tobi!!! *bows* HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY EVERYONEZ!!!!! I hope youz have an awezomez one!!! Even if your not Irish!!! *jumps on a rainbow* AWWAYY!!!! *slides down rainbow*!!!!
The pic had something to do with rainbows, lolz
YAAAAYYY~!!! Konan-sama is financially here!! To celebrate her return, I SHALL MAKE A POST OF HER IN HER HONER!!! Enjoy!
ROFLMFAO!!! Disturbia!!
*shivers* This one kinda scares Tobi...
Well thats all, hope you like it, Konan-chan!!
Lolz. I was on this..."Youtube again and I found some more videoz!!!
WAHAHAHAHHA!!! Deidai-senpais pregnant!!!
Lolz. I still think Deidai-senpai is gay!!!
Hidan-senpai is CHIMPMUNKEDZ!!!
Deidai-senpai!! UN UN UN UN UN UN UN!!!
YAAAYY!! More un!!!