A Serious Re-tooling...

Ok, so I've been away for awhile, which means that I've seriously been neglecting this World. After spending some time thinking about it, I'm not sure a full season of play is the way to go just yet. I mean, what would happen if a season got midway through, then I had another month hiatus? It wouldn't be fair to everyone involved. So now it's time for me to re-think how this World is going to work.

So far, there hasn't been too much interest in the OCL. Sure, some people have given a verbal agreement, and two have even played, but nothing to really kick start everything. I think I need to start out smaller, then build up as more exposure is given.

How is this going to happen? I'm thinking of just holding some tournaments for now, then see what evolves from there. The recent Euro 2008 soccer tournament gave me the inspiration for a setup, and if I can get enough participants, I'll go with it. Tell me what you think, and recruit anyone you know who may be interested!

Thanks for all your patience, I hope now things will take a turn for the best!

