And everybody needs you~

Hello everyone!

Freakin love that song. Dustland Fairytale, but The Killers. Search it up nowXP

At the Grandma's for four days, so no wallpapers anytime soon But I can make some cards on Picnik, so that should work itself out over time.

Yeah, my Grandma's house isn't that bad. She has a waterfront property, so her backyard is literally the ocean, and deer's come by her house like everyday. In fact, today one ate out of my hand and I got to pet it numerous times. Yeah, we feed them applesXP

Mhm. We also had a huge surprise birthday party for my Mom up here on Saturday. We got all of her friends up here, even her best friend that she hadn't seen in like three years and has known since 6th grade. It was really great. Lots of fun

And the b/f came back yesterday. He was at a youth group camp thing for a week, so I was pretty lonely>.< Spent my days making wallpapers~

Well, thats about it. Hope you enjoyed this pointless post>.<

