*sob* not thinking strait, I automatically clicked submit wallpapers

Hey everyone!

Probably wondering why I haven't submitted any new wallpapers in a long while. Well you see, my family just got home from our cruise and I went to boot up the computer but it went very odd and would not turn to the desktop.

So we call in a guy and, to make a long story short, we found out our hard drive, the thing that makes the insturctions from the hard drive go to the cpu, and a RAM drive were all fried from a power surge.


So I was stuck with my iPod touch for a couple weeks. Now we we have a new computer (pretty much. Kinda) with Windows 7.

And everything that my family had on that hard drive? Gone.

So it may take me awhile to make anymore wallpapers in the near future. I will try super hard to find all my brushes, actions, all that good stuff. Until then, you'll have to settle with postsXP

Until next time!

