Turn up the stereos, we're about to l i f t off

Hello everyone!

Phew...its been so long>.< But I'm in a blogging mood now so I will type!

Well, finished exams last week! Which was nice It actually went quite well. I got 38/42 on my Leadership, 129/135 on my Socials and Math well...not so good.

I'm gonna have to redo it next year:-/ which is not good at all. Its the first time I've ever failed any class ever. And its my first year of high school! My teacher was extremely incompetent, and I've never been very good at Math, just scraping by last year with a C-...*sigh* Next year I'm gonna work my ass off in that class, studying all the time, and going to peer tutoring. Which is what I did this year when I was told I was failing (which was a week BEFORE the exam! Stupid teacher *grumble grumble*) So yes...wish me luck on that.

Also I'm having issues with my friend. He was my ex, but we're so close we're like best friends now. He's been having alot of issues, like a ton, and I've been there for him. I feel really bad with all the stuff thats been going on. But I've started to notice this bad stuff is happening on a day-to-day basis. And it's all incredibly dramatic. I've become alittle suspicious...but I'll stick to my guns and help him through it. I still want to be really good friends with him, y'know? So I'm gonna help him through whatevers going on, whether its real or not.

Anyways...in love with my Second Semester classes English Honors is super fun (albeit we already have a project due soon) and science is cool too:D So I think its gonna be a good semester!

Anyways, thats it for now. Sorry for dumping you with my thoughts and problems>.<

