Take my heart, pull it apart. And take my brain, or what remains


Well, developments. Lots of 'em. First off, went to Whistler last Thursday for a band/choir fest, and it SO MUCH FUN. I love it, and I became good friends with all my roomies, which is great cause I'm terrible at making friends>.<

Anyone ever played Quelf? No? GO OUT TO A STORE AND BUY IT. THEN INVITE FRIENDS. AND PLAY IT. I guarantee a very good time:)

Anyways, I've been stressing about the boyfriend and my best friend. I pretty much decided on the trip what to do about it, I got a lot of time to think, and I was thinking about the balance in our relationship. My boyfriend has always been very dependent on me, and I've always been there to help him, but I realized that relationships don't work like that. When I'm happy and good, so is my boyfriend, but when I'm in a bad mood and it hasn't been a good day he gets really depressed and upset and thinks that I'm going to end things with him. I can understand a few times, but its always been this way. I've always had to support him, and I think thats why I gained feelings for my best friend, to get an escape.

Anyways, by the end of the trip I'd decided that I was going to end things. He needed me, but my boyfriend also needs to learn how to go on with himself. This is a high school relationship, we both knew it wasn't going to last forever. He needs to know how to go on with himself and to create his own happiness.

I told him this on Monday, and it was all very sad. Lots of tears on his part, which is what I expected, and I said we could have a couple more days together for now.

Well, Tuesday comes along, and to make a long story short, he got mad at me and ended things right then and there. I'm sad it ended on such a bad note, and he's asked me various times to get back with him, but when I end things with someone it stays that way.

So, I'm single, and friendless because all of my 'friends' were friends of my boyfriends, and they hate me which is understandable. I've been hanging out with the best friend, and thats provides some comfort.

To be honest, I'm not feeling that heartbroken. Oof, that sounds bad, but it's true. That means something, but I'm not sure what.

Anyways, until next post~

