; My plug in baby

Hey everyone~

Well, got my hair dyed for the first time today, and I think it went really really well! I am now a red head It makes my eyes look wayyy bluer then my regular brown/blonde hair, and my skin tone warmed up too, and this should make my Asuka cosplay complete! It's the best of everything!>.<

The best friend (now the b/f>.< squee) is away camping for the weekend, so he won't be able to see it until MondayD: And its the one weekend where it's SUMMER, as in sun screen weather. So, I am forever alone for the weekend. Durarara should be able to keep me company.

Speaking of which, that anime is amazing! I'm almost finished it, and I am very impressed. It's been awhile since I've watched anime with the intention to finish it. Celty is one of my favourite female characters in anime now, she's so cute, but she's still strong at the same time. And Mikado being the person who created the Dollars!? That was crazyo.o Anyways, I am super in love with this series, and I recommend it to you all:D

Exams are looming ever closer, scary stuff. I still have a few things I need to do for my classes, my science mark needs to be bumped up no matter what, but right now I need to concentrate on these review sheetso.o

The dance season is also over. For those who don't know, I am heavily involved in dance. I've been dancing since I was three, and it's one of my passions:) I'm going into RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) ballet next year, and a whole whack of other classes. I am so pumped! Joining RAD is finally going to open up the possibility of pointe to me. Pointe (y'know that thing when ballerina's go strait up on their toes? Yeah, that) is my dream:) I want to do it so badly, no matter what.

Well, I guess thats about it for me. Until next post!

~Tokyo iris

P.S. The title is a song by the band Muse>.< Check it out!
