Restlessly Boring

Today has been busy and boring all in one. I woke up and decided that I wasn't going to go to class today. So I ended up sleeping until like 1pm. Then I realized I really needd to go to the bank before tomorrow becuase all the money I own was sealed into a little check that needed to be cashed before I go on the trip tomorrow I'm excited about the trip though, Im going to north carolina for Campus Harvest, a church comferance thing. Everyone I know is going just about, it's gonna be so fun!

But before all that, I've got a test tomorrow and laundrey to do and packing and al that lovely junk. I just can't seem to concentrate today, ya know. Actully I kinda feel like going to the gym. Maybe I'll take a break and do that later. I got a softball game tonight though, I need to get ready for that too. *sigh* Can i just go back to bed now?
