This is going swimmingly!

So the last few days have been crazy weather wise....again. Just after all the tornoda threats are over guess what FLOODS EVERYWHERE! It just never stopped raining. Drane street (ironically pronounces "drain") used to be famous for flooding around here until they fixed it, well no about of fixing did it this time, the entire street was washed out at one point but again this is fairly normal for this campus when it rains. All the bowls around will fill up which we've dubbed our 'dissappearing lakes'. Then other things started to brake. Me and my friend went exploreing the other night in the old theatre building and the fourth floor is leaking in several places. They've got a hose tied up with a tarp to a bucket in one spot. It was mildly funny actully. My dorms basement where all the landrey is done was flooded at one point too.

Needless to say, we never made it to MTAC which is in Nashville where no one can get in or our pretty much. I knew afew friends that are stuck there right now still. Theyre safe they just can't get out of the city all the roads are blocked off. It's almost the same here, there is still one road into town here, of course its one of the smaller ones so traffic is crazy slow. We're super close to the cumberland river too so riverside is flooded waaaaaayyy past where it't supposed to be, like it's over the riverwalk, the road and all the stores over that way. You can go over there and see lamp posts barely sticking out of the water, It's crazy and I want to go and take pictures of it.

Alot of poeple where away at home for the weekend so they can't make it back to campus too, like my roommate. At first the school said they would let you reschedule an exam if you missed it but late last night they decided just to close school altogather, so no school today for me and no exams. That was pretty good I guess. I've been calling back home alot to make sure everyones is ok, back home is also by a river of course, the mississippi. Everyone is ok there but school is also canceled and all the bridges are out or damaged. The entire navy base was flooded back home too as well as the highway by it.

They say Tennessee has broken rainfall records this week, and now that the rain seems to have stopped, well, the rivers are still rising. Sense we're a river town thats not very good. I'm glad that we're safe but I pray for those in nasville and around that are not and for the pets cuase I know that the shelters for emergency dont' allow them in. I think the death toll was only five so far though. It's a good low number but I'd rather there be no number to report at all.

The most exciting thing this weekend I suppose was wading out waist high into the practice football field, me and two other friends managed to cross it, after one almost lost a flip flop in the water.
