random quote 19

"why do they take down the flag at dusk and put it up at dawn?"~ sis
"because when the lights go out, its not america anymore." ~sasuke

no one seems to get this but my perverted (and getting more every day) best friend. even my lunch crowd, who i was convinced were the most pervy people alive didn't, so i guess i have to explain.*sigh* okay so when the lights go out, its not america... its either a) the bed b) a strip club or c)some random perverted crap i have yet to think of because when the lights go down who is gonna think "america!"?. so yeah. no one gets it but me and my friend... either we are reeeeealy weird or we have extreamly like minds, which might be the case. we like to finish each others sentences and we know what the other is thinking.... half the time.
