The students....and Vlad.

After the little outbreak from the redhead, Jesse I believe, class went on as normal. As I turned around to write something on the board, a flash of light caught my eye. I turned around to see the blue haired student....Talor quickly raise his hand.

"Mr. Bloodgood, I have to go to the medical office like now!!!" He said hurriedly.

I was suspicious, not only from that flash of light, but because he must end up skipping. "And what seems to be the emergency?" I asked.

He stuttered trying to think of a reason when Jesse spoke up. "Just let him go."

"But I need to know he isn't skipping." It's not that I didn't trust him, I just had to act like a teacher and from personal experience, I knew that students liked to wander off.

This time the other boy, Dante spoke up. "He wouldn't do that."

"Oh okay, but if I find out you were skipping you'll be in trouble." I watched the boy rush off.

I turned back to the board and started to write, my fingertips slowly disappeared before reappearing quickly. It would be mostly unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. I couldn't wait until next period, I had a planning period.


I quickly walk through the door and collect a visiter's ID, how easy. I knew that dearest Finni was going to have a plan period after this and class was soon over. I had to discuss these powers with him. I was not looking where I was going and a boy crashed into my chest. He bent his head back to look at me, his face slightly panicked about something.

"I'm sorry, I was just getting back to class." he said, looking back down as if his neck hurt...Was I really that tall?

"No, it is fine. I was just looking for my dear friend Finni's classroom. I seem to have forgotten it. His surname is easy enough to remember, it is Bloodgood." I smirk at this thinking about that poor boy...He was so much fun to get all riled up...Heheheh...
I fear for Finni's virginity. Yeah...Hahahaa....He had no friends and therefore no boy/girlfriends...
