Vlad Never shuts up. Ever.


So he could read minds...And someone who could fly! This is simply wonderful!...I'm hungry. When did I eat? Wait...I forgot to eat. Huh. That explains things. But this is fun! I smiled happily to all the kids and Finni sulked off to the side, lighting up another cigarette.

"Finni~! You are going to get lung cancer and die you know~!" I sang happily.

"Shut up Ruski. So are you. And I honestly hope we don't end up in the same place." He spat back pouting slightly.

I laughed. I quickly went behind him and split into five of myself and I...We? tackled him.


Ahh...Messing with Finni was fun. I returned back to normal but continued to sit on Finni's legs. Hmm...I should really eat something. I could steal some Jaffa cakes from Finni's house...

I was bored now. Hmm...what was that familiar tune...? Калинка, калинка, калинка моя! В саду ягода малинка, малинка моя! Ах, под сосною, под зеленою,Спать положите вы меня! Ай-люли, люли, ай-люли,Спать положите вы меня....Hmm...My sister sang that a lot. Then I remembered something. I have to pick up my sisters lest I feel the wrath of my mother and probably drunk brother.

"Ah! I must be off! I need to pick up my little sisters! Good bye!" I quickly ran off.

This is really jumbled together. But that is how Vlad rolls. He confuses everyone. Dante's noggin must hurt now.

