We need a coleader

Okay, as some of you have undoubtedly noticed there have resiliently been large amounts of time in which I have had no inspiration to wright. If you would like to be coleader for this club comment here.

I'll post later today, and if I don't I request that Cheezecake rants at me about it every time I see her tomorrow.

~Edit~ people who want another character I'm razing the ceiling to three without paying points as we have so few members. and we could also do with someone to keep a Story So Far, we can deliberate on this for a short while still, but we do need someone to do it soon.

Cheezcake and Clue have both offered to be coleader, now I think we should vote on who gets the post, and if you don't vote I will hound you through PMs tell you do.
