“Hello?!” I yelled. Everyone turned and looked at me. “Did NONE of you hear that Max has no powers anymore?!” I asked, a bit furious and upset. “How is this even possible?” I asked again. “You weren’t ignoring Stella were you? She just was able to connect with Max when none of the rest can right now, now put her and those pictures together and we have a more complete story.” I sighed. Stella was always the one who was ignored or looked over. Sure she can sometimes be ditzy, but she was smart and caring, and they should be grateful for her trying to help, even if it hurt her and she didn’t know everyone very well.
“Well excuse me.” Elizabeth looked over at me.
“Jenjen…i-it’s ok…” Stella said.
“No it’s not!” I was mad and upset and irritated, and everything. About Max, about the whole situation, about Stella being in danger and having no control over anything.
“Jenny calm down.” Dante said. I looked at him and replied angrily.
“No, no I won’t. I’m done.” I turned and walked quickly out of the house.
Short again.
Everyone in the house