Dr. Z drug me to the back of the plane. "Why can't I sit with my friends?" She pulled out a needle and injected something into my shoulder. I started to get dizzy, and fell to my knees. "You need to rest. Obviously your body hasn't been able to handle the strain of your powers. We need to get rid of your fever." She yanked me up and restrained me in a seat. "How long have you been sick? You only weigh 100 lbs. That's even less than 8 and very unhealthy for a male." My eyes narrowed. "Just leave me alone." She sighed, but she left. I started to fall asleep. Truthfully I think I've had a fever since I tried to stop them from taking Pops. I deffinately know I hadn't eaten anything...I got a chill and shivered. Stupid powers were a pain in my a*s. I remember when they first showed up. I actually had parents then. My real parents. My last name was Faust. I was still goth though. My eyes were green and my hair was blonde. I had a terrible headache and went to bed early. I woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I thought my head was gonna split open. Now that I think back...everything in my room was shaking. My mom and dad ran in to check on me. My hair and eyes had changed. They didn't understand what had happened, but it scared them. I went to school the next day and that's when I started to hear things. I was talking to my best friend Andy, and I realized Andy wasn't my friend. He gated my guts. He pat my shoulder. "I don't know what you did to your hair and eyes but d*mn they look cool!" "F*ckin freak. He looks really weird. He's such a poser too. He ain't goth. He's just a baby who wants a few body guards against the bullies." My eyes widened. "W...what was that?" He cocked his head to the side. "I didn't say anything." At first it was just little things. A thought here or there. But as the day wore on it got worse. During my last class I thought my head would explode with all the things I was hearing. All their thoughts just ran together. There was no way to sort them. I wanted to cry. When I got home I was exhausted, but my horrible day only got worse. I could read my parents thoughts, and I scared them. They wanted to get rid of me. That's when the beatings started. They wanted to kill me. I started skipping school. As it turns out the people I thought were my friends all laughed at me behind my back. The first time my eyes changed yellow was the end. They all knew I was a freak. Even most if my teachers didn't like me. They thought I was trouble...one night my parents beat me so bad. It was like the Clines. I thought I was gonna die. Only then I didn't care. I had no friends. My own parents wanted me dead. They knew I could gear their thoughts. That's when the police showed up and took me away. I landed in a few homes. I always managed to freak them out though. I skipped school a lot. I had no friends, and I beat up a lot. Mostly for my hair and freaky eyes. One day I even tried to kill myself. I took a bunch of pills, but I only got sick and puked them all back up. Everything was a daze until I heard Talor's thoughts. I thought everything was going to get better. Now I'm right back in that hole. I opened my eyes and looked around. I must have been out awhile. Dr.Z had come back. "So B. How do you feel now?" I looked away. "I hope you burn in h*ll* She laughed. "You're funny B. I guess we will have to put you through a lil obedience training when we get to England."
~yes it's long and kinda depressing...but it's how it happened ^^;