

My memories were going away?! NO! I thought of Jenny. I can't...I don't want to forget about her! I slammed Max against the wall. I was so scared. I didn't mean to take it out on him, but I wanted him to keep trying! I took a step back and gasped when his eyes turned black. "You don't want to lose your memories, then fine." His voice sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't remember this guys name, but something about him was wrong. I flinched when he put a hand on my forehead. A shock went through my body and I screamed. My memories came back in a bright flash. I was knocked backwards. "M...Max?" I looked over at him...but it wasn't him. "What's wrong with you?" The creepy Max smiled. "You can read my mind. You tell me." I started reading, and what I found made me shiver. This was not Max. It was someone else. Someone who knew how to perfectly use all of Max's powers. I wondered if I could pull Max out and shut this guy back in. I started trying to pull Max's conciousness out. The best way to describe it is that Max was locked in a room in the corner of his mind, and this guy wasn't about to let him out. This guy with Max's face got angry. He ran at me, but I managed to break open the door. Max fell on top of me. "Uh....what happened?" I sighed. Then the door opened. A tall guy walked in with Lucas. Max ran over to him. It was then i noticed his eyes. He was blind. "What did you b*stards do to him?!" The doctor guy looked at me. "Since you have developed similar powers they decided to test their theory that he would go blind if pushed past his limit." I froze. It was my fault...I ran over and gave Lucas a hug. "I..I'm so sorry." He was blushing. "U..uh it's not your fault Dante. But it's ok now...I get to leave." My eyes widened. I turned to the doctor guy. "What are you guys planning?" He smiled. "Read my thoughts." He planned to take Lucas back and let him escape...even if he died. I also caught a glimpse of something that I hoped Sebastian would never know about. This guy, Darren, smiled. "See, I will not let anything happen to Lucas." My eyes narrowed. "Too bad you already did...the worst part is, that these new powers of mine are already fading. They haven't been giving me any shots lately. They're gonna be p*ssed when they realized they screwed themselves over." He smiled. I guess this guy was ok.

~hope this is good ^^ I wasn't really sure where to go hehe

