Talk between friends


It would seemed that my talk with Kyle fell to deaf ears. "Markus we need to talk." I grabbed him and drug him outside for a bit. "You know your brother is here in England. You also know he wants to kill you. It won't be long before he comes back here looking for you. But my real question is, when are you going to tell Katia the truth?"

Markus sat there and thought for a minute. "I don't know. I like her in all but you of all people know why its hard for me to get close to people. She and Kyle really don't deserve to get drug into my battle, but they way things keep going they will." He went back to his thoughts.

"Markus how close is He?"

"Close enough that I can already start to hear his laughter. But I think we have about a week give or take a day, before we're in any serious trouble. As long as I don't push myself to hard, or sleep longer than 8 hours than we're good."

"Markus, if the time comes you know what I'll do if you put Kyle and Katia in danger. Don't make me have to do that again."

Markus stood up and looked up at the sky. "I hear Greece is nice this time of year.

I could tell Markus really wanted to change the subject. It was bringing back painful memories.

"You're right Greece is nice this time of year. Some people say if you look closely you can still see Zeus sitting on his throne." I said

"Vincent I've always felt closer to Dionysus, than I have Zeus. You know we me control mostly vines and having to people inside my head." He kinda laughed. "You know what Vin, it's time I told them two the truth. I should probably go stop Kyle from searching for my brother."

"How do you know he's looking for him?" I asked

"Because I feel his energy going in many different directions, and for the fact that Katia is looking for the two of us right now." He said.

"You know sometimes I'm a little jealous of your power, but then I remember the kid who showed up at my father's house, and my jealousy sinks away."

It wasn't to much longer that Katia ran out the door and screamed at us, "Kyle is looking for your brother Markus!"

"Katia, I think it's time I told you and Kyle the truth about me and my brother." He said

We headed back inside, and Katia went and got Kyle.

I'll post later continuing from Markus's point of view. Also Markus still believes in Greek Mythology, just in case no one picked up on that.
