Why am I helping?


I sat there for a minuet after Katia spoke up. As much as I didn’t want to admit if out loud, Markus has won Katia heart, well at least I knew that he was her first priority. It seems that way ever since we met Markus.

“Well I might as well help out too, we’re friends so I don’t see why not. Besides I can animate objects so I can hold you down hopefully long enough for you to regain control if that does happen.” I stated.

Markus had a look of shock on his face when I said I would help but then he smiled.

“What exactly can you animate Kyle?” Vincent questioned.

“I can animate anything that is nonliving to my will, I have trouble with real plants but I can slightly control them.” I explained.

“Well that’s good to know.” Vincent stated crossing his arms.

“Why do you want to help me Kyle?” Markus asked.

“Because I’m you’re friend.” I answered simply.

“Are you sure?” He rested his chin on the back of his hands as his elbow rested on his legs.

“Yes, and to make sure that you don’t hurt Katia. If you go out of control and hurt Katia, I will have no problem restraining you and making you pass out. I won’t kill anyone unless they have killed someone I want to protect.” I explained with a straight face.


I came back stumbling into the room after my testing that I had to do with my new boots. I hated being a tester; it was ridiculous. But having to do these tests allowed me to get out of the room and figure out where we needed to go to get out of this place.

“Mr. Bloodgood is in surgery now. I saw some of the doctor’s taking him to a room on a roll bed.” I told Dante.

“That’s good.” Dante said.

“How are you feeling?” I asked sitting down on his bed.

“I still feel like shit but I’ll get over it eventually.” He sighed.

“I wonder if my parents are worried about me.” I stated.

“What do you mean?” Dante asked.

“Well, my parents were supposed to come home the day after I got captured so I don’t know if they’re home or not.” I replied. “We need to get out of here, I don’t know how much more either of us can take from these people.” I muttered looking at the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * *
Okay so I don’t know what we’re going to do about the surgery and how that is going to work out considering that it takes week’s to heal form a surgery. But I’m guessing that we’re just going to get out characters out of there then maybe the rest of the group can find them on the street or something like that.
