Strange Welcome


I carefully stepped along the streets hanging onto my seeing eye dog. Clearly this wasn't the best idea. All the sounds and smells weren't familiar to me, but Darren hadn't been back to the house in a while and I was worried. If we were back in our home in America I would know exactly where I was going...Or if I was by water...

I clutched the bottle of water at my side tightly, making sure it was still there. I was about to give up and try to find my way back until I crashed into something...No wait it felt warmer...Someone?

"Oh! I am so sorry!" I heard a deep voice say. It was probably who I ran into. He had a really thick accent...Russian I think.

"It's fine..I probably shouldn't be out right now anyways." I said sighing. But maybe it wasn't a bad thing. This man could probably see, and my brother made me memorize our temporary address for such a situation.

I heard slight scraping as he stood up and I felt him grab my hand and pulled me up. "What is your name?" He asked.

"Emmett. Emmett Walker."

"Walker? Do you have a brother named Darren? He happens to be here with another one of our friends who recently went blind."

Darren? here? Oh thank goodness luck was on my side today. I wouldn't get lost and alone... "Yes! He's my older brother! I-" I reached around groping the air for my dogs leash. "Lestat? Where are you?"

"Oh, is that your dog? He's right here..." Lestat's leash was carefully guided into my hand.

"Oh thank you so much! Can you show me to my brother now?"

He laughed. He had such a nice mellow laugh, he must be a very nice person. But there was something there. Something sad. I didn't know what it was. I could ask later, but my brother was my priority right now.

"Emmett! What are you doing here?" When we arrived some floors up (I wasn't counting) I heard my brother's familiar voice and his footsteps.

"I wanted to find you and got a bit lost..."

"You're not supposed to be here."

I was confused, not supposed to be here? Why not? "How come?"

"These people...These people have powers like you."

I froze. There were more people around us? And...And they had powers like me? I couldn't believe it. I thought I was alone. Was this what my brother's job was? Working with people with powers. That must be it. He was just working with these people. Maybe it won't be so bad after all...

Tada! Here's Emmett, Darren's brother. Goddamn I love the name Emmett. I only recently heard it. Half from the Pokemon subway boss and half because I saw a video of a jungle skipper who was named Emmett who I thought was cute....*cough cough*

