

I quickly changed into some more suitable clothes for the snow and ran out. It was snowing a lot harder, a snow storm? I trudged after where I think he went and saw him standing near a lamppost. Ignoring anything else I ran over and tried to hit him. He didn't let me play in the snow dammit! He quickly flipped over me and yelled something. I tried hitting him some more, but he kept dodging. I struggled more until he finally caught my arms and legs.

"Ouch! Goddammit pendejo!"

I struggled slightly when Kyle caught me, but his question threw me off guard.

"Why do you think of me as a brother?"

Why did I think of him as a brother? Why did he ask that? I mean...Why do I think of him as a brother? Well...I stayed quiet for a moment trying to collect my thoughts and I finally looked at him attempting to make an answer that made sense.

"Well...When I'm around you, I don't feel like I need to impress you, I guess. I mean...I call you pendejo and you never really get mad at me. You broke up my fight with Summer, and no one does that! And you always seem to watch over me...Y'know like a brother. At first..." I thought for a moment. "At first I thought it was like love love. But then I realized it wasn't the same." I sighed. "But really! You made me smile for the first time in forever...and...And..." I squirmed. "I don't even know how to explain this!"

Kyle was silent for a moment before letting me go. I couldn't help but wonder something though. "Kyle...Why did you want to know so badly?"

There was a deafening silence for some moments. Kyle seemed to be collecting his thoughts about something. "Come on Kyle tell me! TELL ME!" I grabbed his face and looked him straight in the eye. "Why won't you tell me...Why are you keeping secrets?!"



Let's see if he can do it this time... This is getting pretty intense bros.


