~:) please nothing to obscene..lol..but seriously

ok so this is a world dedicated to mostly anime action figures
and anything else anime related.I would like to welcome everyone to come
and share their collections other than that just look around and enjoy...
oh and if anyone wants to design a banner for the top of this page please
do and just let me knowuntil then ill just keep putting up randompics...thanks..!~:)

Haven Relis


Naruto Figures~

Okay, everybody, this is CrimsonANBU. Here are my Naruto figures, enjoy!

External Image

This one is a bigger one, compared to the others. Got it from DarkFox013 I like the pose, and the way Naruto sort of leaps out at you~

External Image

These were also obtained from DarkFox013. My favorite has to be Temari and Kakashi. I like their poses after all. All these figures were shipped from Japan if I'm not mistaken.

DBZ Andoids 17 &18

so these are my android 17 & 18 figures i really like these
two..i hope that everyone enjoys.. i got these at Things from Another World

Full Metal Alchemist(good guys)

these are my two good guy figures for the
full metal alchemist series..i hope that
everyone enjoys.. ~:)

P.S. sorry they are so blurry

Full Metal Alchemist

these are my full metal alchemist villain figures
i hope they are enjoyed..thanks for looking

Afro Samurai

these are my afro samurai figure i got them from fye
as a set and i think it was 20 bucks but i cant remember
anywho i hope they are enjoyed oh and i have many more
to go so keep an eye out..thanks