Another Day: Sallina's P.O.V.

Sallina's P.O.V.
I awoke to a sleeping Emmett, and a Darilyn that wasn't there. I smiled, I could still hear Emmett's heartbeat, and It beat slowly, which was soothing. He suddenly opened one eye.
"Hey." He smiled.
"You want breakfast?"
"Well, you might wanna to get off me now, so I can go fix it."
"Oh Yeah, sorry. Your heartbeat is very hypnotic."
"Yeah." I slid my head off him, and followed him into the kitchen.
He poured some milk into the bowl of cereal, and gave it to me. I scarfed it down quickly, and had it down, just when He was about to take his second bite.
"Hungry, Much?"
"You want mine?"
"If you don't mind."
"Sure." He held it out, and I wolfed that down too.
"Er, want some OJ?"
He poured us some orange juice, and I chugged mine.
"Hehe, I know."
I set my glass down and looked at him.
"You're too nice to me." I added.
"What? No I'm not."
"Yeah. You even let me cuddle you."
"Well, I'm just nice I guess..."
"...You're awesome."
"Awesome?" He cocked his head to the side. "How am I awesome?"
"You'd do all this for a girl you barely know."
"Seriously, It's fine."
I sighed. "I wish I didn't have to go home tonight."
"Who said that?"
"I just figured-"
"No, No. If you're lonely, you can stay here. You're welcome anytime."
I smiled widely and hugged him tightly. "Thank you!"
"It's not a big deal, really." He looked away, blushing.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
I didn't let go of him. I really didn't want to, He was so warm. I looked him straight in the eyes, he looked back in desperation.
"A-Are you okay?"
"Your scent, it's getting to me."
"Oh." I started to back away, but he embraced me tighter.
"I didn't say I didn't want you."
I smiled.
"Besides, I can tell you're enjoying this."
"Heheh, Yeah."
"Why what?"
"Why do you like this?"
"B-Because...I-I kind of have a crush on you."
He flushed. "R-really? Well, are you afraid of me?"
"I...I don't know."
"Are you afraid of what I am?"
"I'm not sure."
"I need a straight answer. Do you think I would hurt you?"
"No." I bit my lip.
"Okay, That's all I needed to know."
I smiled, happy to be not pressured.
"Well, Are you sure you like me?"
"I see."
"D-Do you like M-me back?" I felt like a highschool girl all over again. I hated this feeling of being unsure, but so sure at the same time. I hated it to death.
"Of course." He smiled.
"Yay." I said meekly.
He laughed. We heard a sound of keys jingling, and the door locks doing their job. I opened my eyes wide.
"Don't worry, it's just Darilyn, coming home for lunch."
He dragged me to the couch and we sat down, casually. The door opened after Emmett turned on the T.V., which was Spongebob.
"Hey Guys!"
"Hey Darilyn." Emmett responded.
"What's up?"
"Just watching some good T.V." I added slightly.
"That's good."
He passed us, and sat down at the kitchen table. I followed Emmett, who sat down by Darilyn. I sat across from him.
"So, how's work?" I asked.
"Ugh, awful. There's this dumb chick who can't do anything right, I swear."
"Oh, that sucks." I said.
"Hey, Sallina's going to stay here for a week, if that's okay?" Emmett asked. I wondered if he might tell Darilyn.
"That's fine." He smiled.
I grinned back.
"Ah, well, I gotta be going, See you later." Darilyn sighed.
We both muttered a goodbye.
As soon as he shut the door, I hugged Emmett.
"Wow, that was sudden."
"I Know."
"I feel bad, Emmett."
"Because you're cheating on Darilyn for me."
he sighed, "I know..."
"He'll kick your ass if he finds out."
"I know, But you're worth it."
"No...I'm just a worthless puppet." I looked down as I let go of him.
"No, no you're not." He said, adding sympathy.
"Yes, I am."
"Sallina, if you were worthless, you wouldn't be put on this earth."
I sighed, "You don't understand. All I was- am, Is just an experiment."
"Sasori killed me, put me in the body, and thought it would be fun to give me a mind of my own."
"But, that doesn't mean you're not worth something."
"If you were truly worthless, he would've thrown you away by now."
"That's true."
"Now, come on, let's relax for a bit."
He sat me back down on the couch, very close to him.
"This will relax you..." He pushed me down gently, my head resting on his lap. he massaged my temples gently.
"Now, do you feel better?"
"Yeah..." I slowly drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up, I was still on the couch, but Emmett was gone. I looked around nervously. Darilyn was beside me.
"Have a good nap?" he asked, grinning.
I smiled sleepily. "Yeah."
"Emmett's fixing dinner."
"Okay." I sat up slowly.
Damn, this is a comfortable couch. I thought.
I watched whatever Darilyn was watching when Emmett called for dinner.
We walked silently to the table. Everyone ate, and we talked about the weather. It was pretty cloudly outside, and cold.
"Emmett?" Darilyn asked.
"Hmm?" Emmett answered, his mouth full of mashed potatoes.
"My sister wants me to come visit her after tommorow."
"You want to go, huh?"
"Yeah, It's just...I haven't seen her in a while...and..."
"I understand. How long will you be gone?"
"About a week."
"You know I'll miss you."
"Aww, I'll miss you too."
"I wuv you!"
I smiled sadly, trying desperatly not to cry over their mushiness. I wanted to be Darilyn. I wanted to be with Emmett, and I didn't want to be the secret lover, keeping Emmett from loving Darilyn completley.
We finished, and Emmett collected our plates, and cleaned up the kitchen.
"Emmett!" Darilyn said in a playful voice.
"You know what I want to do tonight?"
"Same here..." Emmett looked over at me, sitting shyly at the table.
"She'll be fine, Emmett."
"Alright, I'll be waiting, Emmett." Darilyn danced happily to the bedroom. I sighed.
"So you and Darilyn, eh?"
"Sallina, I do still love him..."
I finally let the tears stream down.
"Oh come on..." He picked me up and laid me down on the couch. He tucked me in like a child, and kissed me goodnight.
I cried myself to sleep. He was teasing me. This was torture. This was Jealousy. This was Love.
