Today... Sallina's P.O.V.

Sallina's P.O.V.
Well, I know that I get to have Emmett all week...but, There was still something wrong, something bothering me, just tugging at me, like a child would tug his mother's sleeve. Then, I realized it.
I wanted him...Forever.
Love doesn't only last for a week. Love doesn't wait for any disturbances to go away. But, We'll deal with this later.
Emmett dug in a closet, and tossed some clothes on the bed. He closed the closet doors, and folded up the clothes. He also handed me a towel.
"I'm going to say goodbye to Darilyn, Then, I'm all yours." He smiled, but it was a sad smile. He passed by me, and and without looking at me, told me to get in the shower.
I felt kind of guilty, but I went in the shower. The hot water felt nice against my cold skin, and My hair was softer. I walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around myself, and I grabbed the clothes. I dropped the towel, and slipped in the clothes: A Black T-Shirt, and Black boxers. I snuggled in them, taking in the sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla. The guilty feeling i had seemed to melt away.
"Enjoying yourself?" Emmett asked, leaning in the doorway. I giggled.
"Oh, wait a minute..." I stood up, and brushed past him, to the bathroom. I picked up my clothes, and walked back to him.
"What do you want me to do with these?"
"Here, I'll take them down to the laundry room."
I blushed and looked down at the clothes I held. My panties were on the bottom.
"Geez, I've already saw them, remember?" Emmett seemed to read my mind.
I Laughed nervously, and he took them away from my hands. He passed me, and came back quicky.
"Well, what now?" I asked.
"How 'bout breakfast?"
I smiled, "Sure."
I looked down at myself. Hell, If he would've said, 'let's go kill ourselves together', I would've said Yes. I'd do anything, as long as it was with him. I felt like a fool.
We walked to the kitchen together. We were very close, but not touching, which sucked to me. I grabbed him hand, and interwined our fingers. He seemed startled at first, but then he just smiled. We finally got to the kitchen.
"Sallina. You have to let go of my hand."
"But...I don't want to."
It was true, I would've rather starved than lose my grip on his hand.
"Sallina." He said firmly. He pulled his hand away.
"There's plenty of time for that, girl." He laughed.
I laughed too, but mainly just to keep myself from whining.
"What do you want, Sall?" He looked in each cabinet.
"Sallina," He sighed, "You have to eat."
"I Know."
"So what do you want?!" Then he re-thought about that question, and added, "For breakfast?!"
"Um, How 'bout..." I looked around the kitchen, "Cereal?"
"He shrugged, "If you want it." He got out the HoneyPuffs, and split the remains between the two bowls. He poured the milk on each mound of cereal, and handed me the bowl and the spoon. This time I ate slowly, poking at a piece of it when I chewed.
"Sallina, are you okay?"
"Yeah...Just not really as hungry as i was yesterday."
"Oh." He said simply.
"Yeah..."I finished it, a little after Emmett.
"Sallina, are you sure you're okay?"
"You're upset, I know you are."
"Well, what do you expect?!" I let my tears flow, "You say you love me, go off with Darilyn, Tell me I'm not horrible, and then say a heartfelt goodbye to Darilyn!" I screamed, crying.
"Sallina, I..." He seemed lost for words.
"Don't tell me!"
"You have a week with me, do you want to waste it this way?"
"That's the point, Emmett!"
He looked up at me.
"That's the reason I'm pissed! That's why! I only have you for a week!"
"Don't 'Sallina...' Me!"
"Sallina, I love you, truly, I do. But I love Darilyn too, and that's the reason I'm caught."
"Then, Why, Emmett?! Why did you lead me on?!"
"Sallina, I..."
"Please." I pleaded, "Just tell me You'll Love me forever. Tell me You Love me no matter what happens."
He rushed to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I Held him close. I reached up to brush the side of his face. I felt a cold, wet teardrop, just beneath his eye.
"Sallina, Do I really have to even say it!" He said, crying into my shoulder.
I rested my head on his shoulder, and moved my hand on the opposite side to his shoulder.
"No, I know."
