Everything from Art, to surveys, to life posts.
Try to tolerate me.
- Created By Cherryshock
HI GAIZ. here is my incredible story of TRUE FRANSHIP 8'D
2005 - joined theotaku. (age 10-11)
-met dicemaster online in creation of the club 'The Elite Mews'
-created mew mew cherri.
-me and dicemaster fought a whole lot over stupid things LOL
2006 - created my msn account (age 11-12)
-talked to dicemaster for serious on msn/ im'd her
-fought more
-more drama on theo
2007 - we are pretty good friends at this point (age 12-13)
-talked to dicemaster/milkshakess/sarah on the phone
-fought less
-more drama on theo
-we talked about the drama on theo on the phone... lol
2008 - best fraaaaannnzz (age 13-14)
-talked to sarah on the phone almost every day
- had deep discussions about death and the creation of the universe. ( LOL NO LIE...)
- we plan to meet but plans fail.
- we don't fight anymore... kinda lol
- still have deep discussions
- inside jokes
-mutual hate for the same things
- we agree on almost everything
- we think the same way
- we talk the same way...
- our social lives and everyday happenings are eerily similar.
- we plan out to meet
- warped tour tomarrow 7/21/09
- AdasfsdgfasgdsdfgDFHGFGH
- thankyou theotakuuuu. without you i wouldn't have met my bffflzzxca
ive been reading tons of manga lately (onemanga.com ffpdgsd) cause i've been bored.
and my new found loves areeee
Koko ni Iru Yo!
AAA (triple A)
AUFGHFGHHHHFGHGH DGRAYMAN IS SO MUCH LOVEEEE. alllleeeen walkerrrr. my eyes are kind of rotten now though since i read 186 chapters in less than 2 days...
AUGHFHFGH RABI/ LAVIIIIII FDSHSDHFDH SEXY MENZZZ, remind me to read more little boy manga. although this is very scary and bloody and gutty and no sparkle romance at all. but allen walkerrr sdfasdfsdf. even your naaaame is cuuuteee.
okay im done.
sarah is being a tooshy and says the interwebs in boring so im bored.
ignore the horrible myspacefag angle of it
its camwhoreish.
me and my cammy. lovelovelove
its a Holga120CFN, a lomo film cammm.
you can see some of my photos from it on my flickr
Plagerists , tsk tsk
We know em. We hate em. You know you've seen the picture way before. We know their stealing, but you can't find the original artist!
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou TinEye.com!
You put in a image you think is stolen, search, and using a database of most websites (deviantart.com included! Help fellow deviants!) it finds other places where that image is. But what if Its edited? with new colors or added fake copyrights? Have no fear, Tineye uses similar pixel placement, so even its its larger,smaller,rainbow, or have big splashy plagerist watermarks all over it, it still can find it. Every thing has a downside. Since tineye is still a young site, it doesn't search the whole internet, only a large portion. So hidden gems may remain hidden.
BUT, I'm hoping we can use this to crack down on plagerism more on this site. Since I've been seeing alot of it. And tracing, you can find that too.
I'm on PChat again, join if you want!
If you don't have my code and you wan to pchat, PM me!
I'll be on all night! Kaaayyy
Happy New Years, everyone!
and happy 18th birthday to my annoying brother, haha.
Whut stolen from Fun
Name: Lauren M.
Birthdate: October 10, 1994
Birthplace: PLACES
Current Location: NH
Eye Color:: Blue-Grey with an orange ring around pupils
Hair Color: Brown (light brown in the front)
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female
The shoes you wore today: None.I wore red cashmere socksss.
Your eyes: Dark grey.
Your fears: Aliens.
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: LIKE OMG
Your thoughts first waking up: Kitty on my head whut
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Size.
Your best physical feature: My eyes. Or legs.
Your bedtime: None
Your most missed memory: dood 2nd grade. monopoly in Mrs.Twomeys room with Bizzy.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Cokeee
McDonald's or Burger King: Buger Kiiinggg
Adidas or Nike: Nike whut
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: CAPPUCCINO
-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: noty
Cuss: yesplz
Take a shower everyday: yes
Do you think you've been in love?: lolyes. it went like this. WROOOMMMNMCDSFSDFG AHHH CRASH.
Want to go to college: MIT or CalTech plz
Like high school: Yesssss.
Want to get married: No. Unless theat person is that amazingsadf
Type with your fingers on the right keys: No wayyyyy. I manuver aroundddd.
Believe in yourself: NOOOO. My esteem is like negative loldsfsd
Get motion sickness: Noo.
Think you're attractive: MAYBE LOL. No. I have the sex appeal of a cardboard boooxxx.
Think you're a health freak: I would die if I wass.
Get along with your parents: no
Like thunderstorms: yes. as long as there is no fallen trees ty
Play an instrument: WANT TO PLAY PIANO.
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: well yeah. like 5 or 6 times
Eaten sushi: nooo
Been on stage: noooo
Been dumped: AHA. LUCKY ME. no need for that.
Gone skating: nooo
Made homemade cookies: TEHE YES I MADE THEM WITH LOL
Been in love: huhwhat?
Dyed your hair: noo
Stolen anything: i stole your virginity while you weren't looking
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: uh huh
Missed school because it was raining?: whut no
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: YES. but i had a fucking hissy fit and it was gross and never again blughfgh. that was embarrassing OKAY SO ANYONE WHO WAS THERE I APOLOGIZE IT WAS GROSS. im sorry you had to watch OTL
Cried during a Movie?: I cry in every single movie I can. I set them records bitch.
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: WELL YEAH. ROXAS,IKUTO,AXEL,RENO, dude there are too many. Most of them are animu chars plz thx
Had an imaginary friend: I had an abusive imaginary firend actually. I must have some sort of childhood trauma. wait. what childhood?
Cut your own hair: i'd look like a lion if i did.
Had crush on a teacher?: MR.MONTGOMERY I WANT TO SERENADE YOUR WINDOW. stfu he's 20 and works at gamestop. and he's hot.
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: ..AHAHAA. yes,actually.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: i get high on hugs.
Been called a tease: ...LOL.
Gotten beaten up: nowai. i just draw little notebooks instead. : )
Been in a fight: SDFsdfgsdfghfdh no wonder.
Shoplifted: no thats dumb.
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: 30. 20's are party time.
Numbers and Names of Children: 0 children. filthy pink sags of goo who cry and piss and shit and scream and dsfgsfg
How do you want to die?: Heroicly. like in a black hole or something awesome.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: An Astrophysicist or Photographer
What country would you most like to visit?: Germany,Japan,England,and Canada
-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: Any color. but I perfer Blue.
Best hair color: natural colors.
Short or long hair: long and bangs. nothing longer than shoulder cause thats icky. shaggy and scruffy.
Best height: taller please. Anything above 5'3.
Best weight: skinny boys are hot but not too skinny ew
Best first date location: bowling alley whut or Cafe
Best first kiss location: parking lot. or under an umbrella. parkinglots are kinky.
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: 1.
Number of CDs that I own: I download my music sdgsdfg
Number of piercings: IM ALLERGIC TO ALL METALS IN MY BODY. cept for high carat gold.
Number of tattoos: tats look weird when you're old and saggy.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: honor roll cause I'm a nerd who loves attention.
Number of scars on my body: FORK STABBED HAND. courtesy of marisa dion. ilubby.
Number of things in my past that I regret: HMMM. derek im sorry im an ass sdfsdfgsdfgh lolUMMMN. and accidentally leaving /y/ on my computer. OTL
Shampoo: Garnier Fructis! or anything that smells yummyy
Fav Color(s): Orange, Teal, and yellow
Day/Night: Sunshine!
Summer/Winter: ....Both.
Fave Cartoon Character: ROXAS SDFsdgfsdfg
Fave Food: push-pops
Fave Movies: Across The Universe, Bickford Schmecklers Cool Ideas.
Fave sport(s): Badminton and ultimate frisbee
Fave music/song: Everything. esp Indie rock.
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: a tie die t-shirt. hello kitty headband. dinasaur ribbons. plaid pj bottoms. and fuzzy socks
Drinking: dr.pepper
Thinking about: nothing
Listening to: Blankets in the Grass - Balance problems.
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: no
Worn jeans: yes
Met someone new online: yes i do that all the time whut
Done laundry: yes
Drove a car: mariocart vroom vroom
Talked on the phone: for like 9 hours yuh
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: about 70% of the time
Your friends: Yes.
Tooth Fairy: nuhhuhhh
Destiny/Fate: NO. particle physicists prove that it PROBABILITYYYY
Angels: No.
Ghosts: No
God: No. I think he's something the human race made to reassure themselves and make things seem a little more bearable.
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Lauren is a cool name. right? maybe Hondatokolakatikiyo would suit me better.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: OBVIOUSLY NOT.DFxdfdfg
Do you like anyone?: I used to i think
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Sarah. We are like the frekain same person.
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: bizzy,lots of people
Are you close to any family member?: No.
Who do you hang around the most?: Rachael,Marisa,and Megan
What's the best feeling in the world?: laughing
Worst Feeling?: disspointment. boys.
What time is it now?: 12:14 AM