Survey bleeehh

Stolen from Sayoko-chaaaaan

1. Perfect? - Noooo
2. Tall? - 5'4. That's pretty short ;_;
3. In your pajamas? - Nope
4. Left handed? - Nope

1. Friend you saw: - Rachael
2. Talked to on the phone: Father
3. Person to text you: Sarah
4. Was today better than yesterday? Nope

1. Number(s): - 4,8,15,16,23,42
2. Color(s): - White, cream, grey
3. Fruit: - Grapefruit! Yummm
4. Place: - Newburyport

1. Are you missing someone right now? - Noooo
2. Are you happy? - Indifferent
3. Are you sad? - Indifferent
4. Are you bored? - Yes, but jumpy.
6. Are you nervous? - kind of
8. Are you tired? - I'm always tired! I sleep 12 hours a day.

1. Eating? Nothing, on a diiiieeet! no snacks.
2. Drinking? Grapefruit Juice
3. I'm about to: Paint my nails white
4. Listening to? Boom Boom Boom Boom - VengaBoys
5. Plans for today? Do homework, make dinner, shower, sleep.

1. Drank bubbles? what how do you even do that
2. Lost glasses/contacts? - LOL. lost my glasses at an amusement park, went home blind. Lost my contacts twice at school.
3. Ran away from home?- I used to all the time when i was little.
4. Broken someone's heart? lol no
5. Been arrested? Nope.

1. Miracles? - Nope
2. Yourself? - Ahhh idk?
3. Heaven? - No way
4. Santa Claus? - Nooo.
5. Love? - Yes
6. Do you like someone? - in what way? I'm not in love with anyone.
7. Do you believe in God? - No. I believe there is no creator, just an incomprehensible universe + laws of physics.
8. Answered the truth on all questions? - Yesssiirrre

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: hair
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Fat thighs. I need to lose weight.
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Coco before Chanel
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: School
Q. Do you smile a lot?
A: Yes!
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No? But I look at stars.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Outwardly yes. : )
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: My bedroom.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Yesterday. Watching Coco before Chanel ;_;
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Fuck, I have to get that homework done before D period.
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 6.
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Itunes
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My foot
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: May
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Read popteen


01. What was the first anime you've ever watched?
>> Sailor moon

02. What anime influenced you to start drawing?
>> Pokemon, card captors

03. One of your favorite member criticize your artwork which you've spent hours on, you...
>> Read it, and consider what they have to say.

04. You judge an artwork based on what?
>> Proportions, creativity, neatness, style

05. Who's your favorite artist in TheOtaku? 'I don't know' is not an answer...
>> Milkshakess & Irrational Prince they both have such great styles.

06. Who was the first member to talk to you?
>> Briar rose90

07. What do you feel when a new member criticize your artwork?
>> Who the hell are you?

08. You don't get too much hugs, favs or comment for an artwork you put your heart in, you...
>> Whoop dee doo. attention is not the point, putting it out there is.

09. You were hoping your favorite subscriber to leave a comment on your artwork, but they never did, you...
>> Carry on

10. Did you get nervous when you're about to leave a comment in an Otaku Legend/Senior Otaku or any other high ranker's artwork?
>> I'm an Otaku Legend. No, they are just people who happen to have been on for a longer amount of time.

11. Did you subscribe back to those who subscribe to you?
>> No. I subscribe to the people whose content I enjoy only.

12. Do you check the artworks of your subscribers?
>> If I like their art or the title is interesting.

13. How many times did you visit 'New Member Introduction' site in a week?
>> I think I went there once?

14. Last Question, do you like this question? And why is that?
I don't know??

LOL It reads so gloomy and cold. sob.
