about me fill out shit

oh i did this thing like forever ago so i'll spruce up a few answers to make it more relevant to now lol

About Me
What's your name? kyle
Why were you named that? had a nice ring to it i guess
Are you male or female? i am 100% mamale (spongebob quote btw)
Would you rather be the opposite gender? no
How old are you? finally old enough to watch R rated movies legally by myself
How tall are you? not enough (5'2")
Are you happy with your height? hell no, im short as hell! hoping for another grow spurt though
How much do you weigh? 239 pounds, i think. good lord
Are you happy with your weight? im just glad im not 300, im workin on it!
What color are your eyes? this grayish blue color, really gay tbh
What's the natural color of your hair? a weird ash brown (apparently)
Do your dye your hair? If so, what color? god ive dyed it every natural color pretty much, and i had RED once, and then blond with a blue streak. currently it's black with blue/green streaks, really cool
What's your body type? (i.e.: triangle, rounded, diamond, etc.) a choji body type
Do you know your blood type? If so what is it? probably O, no one tells me
Are you happy with your appearance? well im kinda chunky and short, but yes >:U
What is your sexuality? i dont really know anymore??? mostly gay

What's your favorite...
Food: pizza always pizza
Drink: cum (actually probably water or mr pibb)
Color: red, black, and blue (aka someone who was beat up brutally)
Animal: canines and lions
Book: magic school bus (i dont really know)
Magazine: shonen jump
Newspaper: ones with funny headings
Website: meatspin.com (probably tumblr actually)
Movie: scott pilgrim vs. the world
Holiday: christmas, it has its own special warm feeling!!!
Myth: anything with cerberus/hades in it, and i really like the icarus story
Childhood story: yaoi
Weather: really cloudy and breezy, but not too windy. rain also is gngmm. just general fall weather really!
Eye color: blue
Music player: peoples mouths and instruments (or yknow my ipod touch)
Flower: todaysies
Sport: to play? soccer. to watch? soccer. sport anime? free
Vacation spot: ive never gone on vacation so i'd have to say anywhere with a disneyworld/land bc i wanna GO TO ONE
Ocean: filled with sharks
Shampoo: anything that says men's on it because i have a complex
Deodorant: (same as shampoo)
Computer/Laptop: mine
Store: gamestop because i love looking around there for hours
Clothing brand: whichever ones make t shirts
Shoe: manly ass ones

This or That
Pepsi or Coke? the one that sounds like a drug
Water or Tea? who the fuck chooses disgusting leaf piss over quenching h20
Braces or Retainer? why
Bed or Couch? depends on the bed/couch, some couches are also beds what the fuck
Past or Future? future, why dwell in the past!
Woods or City? city, fuck the gay ass woods with the bugs and nature shit
School or Work (as in job)? the one thats easier to sleep through
Sun or Moon? moon because it didnt kill icarus
Fire or Water? like fire nation or water tribe? well as sokka would say, water tribe
TV or Computer? you can literally watch tv shows on the computer (with internet)
Shower or Bath? why do people insist on sitting in their nasty ass dirty water for 20 minutes
Unusual or Normal? it's not unusual to be loved by anyone
Predictable or Unpredictable? unpredictable! i like to be surprised
Explainable or Unexplainable? explainable because unexplainable shit is always somehow creepy
Honesty or Deceit? deception disgrace evil as plain as the scar on his face
Together or Alone? i can do either, i really like either
Sunny or Rainy? depending on the severity of either, but rainy days are creative-er days
Cats or Dogs? i wish i wasnt allergic to cats, but even so dogs are 1 million x better
Poltergeists or Demons? demons, at least demons can be hot depending on the lore and theyre less creepy
Summer or Winter? winter is coming
Night-Owl or Early-Bird? both i guess, but mostly night owl?
God or Satan? satan who the fuck else
Life or Death? (starts singing still alive from portal 2)

First Thing To Come To Your Mind...
Blood: bbq sauce
Nightmare: freddy krueger
Clown: oranges
Squirrel: that bitch from charlie and the chocolate factory
Great: old sport
Royal: baseball
Fangs: wolves
Inside: colon
Outside: grass
Voices: the voice (the show)
Darkness: donnie darko
Light: death note
Snake: stevie
Bed: sex
Ocean: hank green
Family: winchesters
Myths: mythbusters
Demons: hot guys in suits
Angels: gay assholes
Love: gaara (yknow because of his symbol)
Hate: red
God: nonexistant
Satan: rock and roll
Nothing: everything
The Unknown: the pokemon

The What's, Who's, When's and Why
What's your earliest childhood memory? yelling at some bitch to get out of my spot at my 3rd birthday party
What's your worst childhood memory? when i spilled soda at like 3am and blamed it on my brother
What's your new years revolution for this year? to lose weight and finish a book, a game, and an anime
What's your current pet(s) name(s)? ashlie (i wanted to be cool and different and spell her name weirdly)
What's your relationship status currently? in a 14 month relationship with a swell guy with the same name as me!!! couldnt be happier nwn
What's your current health? could be better, not too bad though
What's your current mood? anime
What's the nearest book to you? game of moans
What's the color of your nails/toenails? uncolored
What's the time where you're at? 12:19 AM
What's the one thing you'd DIE before doing? touching a spider
What's the name of the person you love? kyle, and then all my friends
What's the name of the person you hate? i cant really bring myself to hate anyone
What's the subject in school/college that you just hate(d)? biology
Who's the bestest friend what you wouldn't trade for the world? lukah nwn
Who's "that" friend who has a heart of gold? well lukas owns my heart gold pokemon game
Who's the person who you love but doesn't love like that back? (lists celebrities)
Who's the person you would never hurt? everyone near to me unless theyre being an asshole (no not really i wouldnt hurt them)
Who's the person you'd confess anything to? pretty much all my really close friends and boyfriend (mostly my boyfriend)
Who's the person you argued with? my mom
Who's the last person to say 'I love you' to you? KYLE
Who's the last person you said 'I love you' to? THE BIG GAY OKAY (boyfriend)
Who's the last person to hug you (through the internet & in person)? internet? i guess my boyfriend??? and irl my mom
Who's the last person you punched? i fake punch lukah all the time uh
Who's the last person to help you out with something? kyle when he was telling me where to go on a website
Who's the last person you called on the phone? sexy boy (kyle)
Who's the last person you saw? mama
Who's the last person you talked to? boy toy (kyle)
When was the last time you just stopped and were happy for what you have? every moment of my life!!
When was the last time you hit something to take all the frustration out? i dont really hit things anymore, i take anger out on video games with a lot of violence and blood
When was the last time you wrote your feelings down? ????? i always do
When was the last time you spent quality time with your family? when i went to my grandmas a while ago for dinner :0
When was the last time you did something for somebody without asking anything in return? i always like doing stuff for people!!
When was the last time you thought outside of the box? no i think outside the bun thank you
When was the last time you believed in yourself? ALWAYS
When was the last time you confessed something to somebody? i dont really have much to confess
When was the last time you felt remorse? (looks up the word) when i realized how much i was playing animal crossing
When was the last time you felt pure joy? almost always
When was the last time you smiled and really meant it? ALWAYS
When was the last time you cried yourself to sleep? probably like a year ago
When was the last time you stood up for what you believe in? i always stand up
When was the last time you stood up for someone who was hurt? i??????????
Why did you do this quiz? because theyre oddly fun
