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Hi, so I'm Sarah. There's nothing more to it, and I can bet you will never find a nickname for me that will stick, but oh well. I am cursed, haha. I like to make jokes and talk about anime and japan and japanese stuff, face it I'm a japanefile. lol! I'm always serching for some good tunes so if you are really obsessing over something suggest it to me! I used to have a top sexy list but that was demolished when I read too many mangas. lol, I'll just name some of my all time favorite charaters I can rememeber.

♥Light Yagami, Abel Nightroad, Spike Speagle, Hiruma Yoishi, Ren Tsuruga, Ichimaru Gin♥

So feel free to chat with me anytime, I love new friends and dont forget to sign my guestbook and subscribe XD thanks so much, bye bye!

IM me anytime, s/n- Trinityxlight

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Well this is going to be relle short i have found all of the pix for each month with a bleach charater on it. Also these calendars arent up to date because they are from 2006. haha

And it just so happend to be my fav charater gin XD

So with this conclusion I will have the pic for the month up as part of my introduction.

Also wanna tell me anything new about your day, please do!!

its raining its pouring the old man is snoring!!!

Yeah so it was hot allllll day till right now. Thank god for the rain, its soo nice. haha

SO today i went to a couple yard sales. and i got like 15 super nintendo games. Amazingly enough they were only $1 a piece haha. I only wanted 2 though, haha star wars!! XD lol

Well my sister is coming up to new york to visit me on monday. she lives in Texas by the way. We're gunna go to woodstock, yeah XD My brother might be coming to. Then on June 15, fathers day im going down to buffalo to see my brother. He has an art show set up. hes relle good i wish he had rubbed off on me. he thinks im pretty good though haha!!

I also added more mangas to read to my list of mangas to read, hhaa.
-black cat
-666 satan

and who knows what else. i like when people suggetst shoen mangas for me to read too! so if you have any reccomendations please tell me!

Well here's a pic of me eating chocolate like mello last night because i was board.

ps- i look relle ugly in this pic. haha.


Yeah so I was watching some comedy central tonight it was great haha. I saw Jeff Dunham the awesomly funny vantriliquist and also live at gotham whitch he hosted. It was good.

Also the other day in a diff post i forgot to mention that i finished zombie powder and that now im reading busou renkin. so yeah haha.

So I dont relle know what im gunna do this weekend. Ive been relle pissy this weekend and i dont know why...well maybe a little but it just seems the smallest things seem to irritate me and i dont like how im going about my buisness. its relle bothering me.

Also i dont know if amber gunna come over she didnt relle say much to me. Guess im just a stupid bitch.

Anyways...haha, Im getting better at typing its great haha. i dont relle look down. woow! lol.

I know this is relle long already but im tiered of people never relle being on late! Im so lonely haha.

Love you everyone, Sarah.

7 DAYS!!!

Well 7 days till the bleach movie yess! haha i cant wait. and also today my school gave us ice cream it was good! but every year i make the same mistake.

I think im gunna like mint chocolate chip and every year i dont haha. well lets see how you like me next year mint chocolate chip!! hah

haha well i never relle write long posts. sorry if i dont give you anything decent to comment on haha.


JUNE 3rd

Yayy it's june 3rd I want everyone to Know what Bleach Birthday it is today, Momo.

hee hee yes. lol

Well today we had the first half of our state social studies test and tomorrow we get the DBQ part. i just wish i knew what it was about hee hee. lol.

Well hope today went well For everyone love ya!