And I'm thinking it's a sign;

And I do not think we're invincible

I'm writing a story
And here is the first chapter.
I thought I would share it, as I plan to make a world for it soon. xD


19th January 1965.
The Dream; Part One.

I run, barefoot, through the forest as dark as night, the eyes of the creatures surrounding me like red rubies encrusted on coal. My breath comes fast and deep. My heartbeat? Erratic, pounding like a heavy bassline. “Get there, get there fast, she’ll kill you if you’re late!” I cry out in my thoughts, whilst pleading my legs to go faster, my feet to travel further. Oh, I can just imagine it now! “KOTETSU ASEGAWA, YOU ARE LATE” I can already hear her shouting at me in my thoughts. I groan aloud, I’ve never been good at keeping time; I’m always late for everything! Kyoshi used to be like that until… Well… I shake my head to free the thought. I raise my hand to brush the hair from my emerald green eyes. I can hear an ominous murmur coming from ahead and a relaxed sigh escapes from my lips, followed by a sharp hiss as I step on a sharp stone and cut my foot. I wince and cry out in pain. As I look up, I can see the house close ahead. I stop running, raise my head and pace forwards, worrying about my fate. “KOTETSU RIKU ASEGAWA! YOU ARE LATE!” Middle name treatment. I must be later than I thought. “AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOES?!” Mother shrieks into my ears. “Well… There’s an interesting story behind that-” I began with a dreamy look on my face, when she angrily interrupts me, “ACTUALLY, I REALLY DON’T CARE. GO IN THE BATHROOM AND CLEAN YOURSELF UP!” She thrusts a shaking red finger in the direction of the bathroom, and I walk away, thankful she didn’t hurt me. I enter the bathroom and stare into the mirror. I gaze past my glasses and into my emerald eyes as I think about the night ahead, about the party and about Kamiro. The beautiful Kamiro. I could spend all day looking and thinking about Kamiro. I would be lost in her beautiful golden eyes and all I could ever long for is just one dance with her. However long, it doesn’t matter. My hands on hers, I sigh at the thought. About 5 minuites later, I regain conciousness from my dreamworld of Kamiro and quickly realise I am no cleaner than I was before.I set about scrubbing the mus from my face and plucking the leaves from my hair. Whenh I think I finally look decent, I walk out of the bathroom, and stride, with a slight spring in my step, into the huge lounge, situated at the front of the house. “Something looks different here…” I accidentally think out loud. The answer comes from a deeper voice, from the other side of the room. “That’s because there is no furniture in here, idiot!” Yakumo, my big brother, gets up from the other side of the room, and paces to where I am, only to hit me around the head. I cry out in pain as he makes contact with my head. After, I look up at him, teary-eyed from the pain and see his short, silver, wavy hair framing his annoyed face. His features contorted into an angry scowl. “Why are you so stupid?! Think before you speak, idiot!” He hisses at me before he turns and storms away into the hallway. I, refusing to let him douse my burning spirit with his angry water, walk outside into the garden to talk to Mother. “Mother, why is there no furniture in the lounge?” I ask her when I find her in the garden, standing on the small red bridge, which crosees over the river, meandering through the garden, sparkling all the way like a thousand diamonds. “Well, Honey,” She speaks in a soothing tone- she seems to have calmed down since earlier- “That’s where everyone will be dancing tonight.” She smiles down at me. The beautiful smile that has calmed me down on many restless nights. It makes me feel warm inside. “Mummy,” I sigh again, looking down at the river, “Why does big brother hate me so? What did I do wrong? What did I do to him?” My voice quavers towards the end of my sentence, about to crack, and I can tell I am about to break down and cry but I force all of my energy to stop myself from doing so. “Big brother doesn’t hate you, Kotetsu, he just… Well, he just gets angry quite easily.” Mother reassures me, and looks away to gaze into the stream. She looks sad, dissapointed. I want to comfort her, I honestly do! I just don’t know how! I never know how! I am just so useless! I give her a simple hug, and hope that it will suffice. She smiles at me, and everything seems good in the world again. “Well, the guests will be arriving soon, we had better go to the door and greet them when they get here.” She puts an arm around me when she says this and walks me back to the house and to the front door, where we wait silently until the doorbell finally rings, and the guests finally arrive. They pour through the front door in their drones. Cousins. Aunts. Uncles. Grandparents. Close friends. Everyone is here! Even some relatives who I have never met before. But, of course, they can still remember me from somewhere before, and they throw me the random, occasional smile and glance my way. Some relatives come up to me and seem to enjoy stating the extemely obvious. Such as, “My, haven’t you grown!” and “Oh, you look so much older than when I last saw you!”
“Well, that may be because you haven’t seen me in a while, and I actually do grow over time.” I feel like saying to them, but thankfully, I restrain myself.Once everyone seems to be here, I head towards the lounge which now seems to fit to burst, and search the room looking for Kamiro. I do this for about 5 minuites with no such luck. I slouch on the stairs and rest my head in my hands, depressed Kamiro isn’t here. When I finally give up slouching, I hear the doorbell ring and I rush to the door, a smile quickly spreading over my face. As I go to open the door, I decide to have a plain, straight face because I must look extremely stupid smiling like an idiot. With my straight face pinted on, I open the door wide and I can’t help but smile ecstatically when I see who is waiting on the other side of the door. Kamiro. I don’t realise I am actually staring at her until she speaks. “Err… Kotetsu? Do I have something on my face or something, it seems like you are staring at me!” She asks, in her angellically beautiful voice, perfectly pitched. I shake my head, and stop staring at her and offer to take her coat for her. “Haha…” She laughs nervously, “I think I’ll keep this on..” And briskly walks away into the lounge. She walks briskly, but gracefully, as if she was gliding on air. I follow after, attempting to do this as gracefully as she did, but instead, I hust end up tumbling over and quickly embarrasing myself. I get up clumsily, dust myself off, and carry on into the hustle and bustle of the lounge like nothing ever happened. I watch Kamiro from afar, for a while until a slow song comes on, and I get up to seize my chance; my dream. I walk over to where she is standing gracefully, and this time I don’t fall, luckily and stand in front of her to try to get her attention. But when she finally sees I am there, I try to speak, but only a whisper comes out, inaudible over the music. I build up my confidence and stutter loudly, “K-Kamiro.. Please c-c-could I have this d-d-dance?” I gesture towards the dancefloor as I feel myself to blush, so I can take the attention from myself. She smiles at me, with not much difference from my mother’s smile, and proclaims, “Yes, you may.” She takes my hand and pulls me towards the dancefloor. She puts one of my hands on her waist, and Takes the other hand in hers. She places her free hand on my shoulder and begins to dance with me. This is like a dream come true for me and I am gone, back into my dream world, where it feels like I dance with her for hours. Whereas, to her, it may seem like a mere few minuites. Last time, I was pulled from my dreamworld by my own free will. Unfortunately, this time, it is by a hand. Attached to an arm. Attached to the body of my big, evil brother. He grasps my shoulder tightly and throws me across the room. He snarls, then laughs as I hit the wall. All I can hear are his laughs and the gasps of all the people surrounding us but no-one stops him. Or helps me up. No-one seems to care. “WHY ARE YOU EVEN GOING NEAR KAMIRO, YOU LITTLE SCRUB?! WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU, YOU’RE A SKANKY 11 YEAR OLD WHO HAS NO FRIENDS!! LEAVE HER ALONE, SHE DOESN’T EVEN LIKE YOU. No-one does.” He snarls at me angrily. Then I crack. He just insulted me, hurt me, embarrased me and ruined one of the most amazing moments of my life. There are so many things I want to shout, scream and yell at him right now but only one thing escapes my suddenly dry lips. “I wish.. I wish you would just… I WISH YOU WOULD JUST GO AND DIE!” I scream at him and I run from the room crying, up the stairs and into my room and I cry on my bed for what seems like all enternity. I lay there and curse Yakumo.
I only look up when I realise everything looks much darker in my cramped room. I walk over to the window and stare out of the window across the garden. But I can’t see it because of the mist. The bamboo mist. I’d always been told the stories about the bamboo mist. I never knew it was true though. I never though it would happen. I never thought it would happen to me. They are coming. And we are all doomed. All these thoughts are whizzing around my mind, I become paralyzed by my own fear. And then they arrive. From hidden in the bamboo mist. And the carnage begins.

Tell me what you all think
Like what I could possibly make better or something. xD

Jack Skellz
