And everyone should know;

There's a party at the end of the world

I got hurt again today.
I totally fail at staying in one piece at the beach.
This time,
I was walking over the wave breakers,
Slipped and cut my back.
I have 2 big cuts and several smaller ones.
Its all red
And skanky.

I've downloaded some NSN (NeverShoutNever!) songs today.
I got

  • Big City Dreams.
  • Dare4Distance
  • Liar Liar
  • Myfriendjane
  • Shesgotstyle
  • Smelyalater
  • Yourbiggestfan
  • On The Brightside

My favourite is Big City Dreams.
But I also quite like Liar Liar.

Going to Blackpoool tomorrow.
5 hour car journey.
I'm not leaving until 2 though.
I get to see Will beforehand though.
So it's all good.
But could people guesty post for me whilst I'm gone, please?


Jack Skellz
