I'm bringing sexy back!

This is Catherine! Aka Kitt the cookie monster! :D
In other words the girl who has claimed Jack forever.
He asked me to guest post, because I sent him to bed. xD
Apparently I'm his mother. hahha, facebook says so!

I think I'm going to write out my history with Jack.

It was a cool fall March day
when I met Jack *insert last name here*
I fell instantly in love with his smile, and his charm.
Not a love as in 'I'd love to shack up with him.'
Or even an attraction. No, I felt a connection with this boy.
A connection so strong it has stayed with me all these months after.

I look to Jack, as stated above as a son, and mostly a brother
figure. He was there when things were happy with Jake and I.
And he was there to pick up the pieces when I was left behind.
He refused to sugar coat things, and yet he never dashed my hopes.
He was always my shoulder to cry on. He has always been there.
And I can honestly say, he is the only one, I feel like,
who will always be there.

I posted in my world yesterday about rare people. And well, I've
been so lucky, even blessed. I've met at least three of these people.
Jack being one of them. He can light up my world. Daily, and
simply by just being there. Since I've met Jack, he has loved me.
This is a twist of what I wrote above. I'm not sure, I guess I wanted
to write this, because I wanted to make it clear, what my relationship
is with Jack. Before I hear anything else.

He is my best friend. I do feel very protective of him.
I am not in love with him, but I am in love with us.
Of who we are together.

