How can you see, into my eyes, like open doors?

Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb.

To All Ye Who Read;

OMGF HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVE. Me and Will are - Hopefully- Trick or Treating tomorrow. I have decided I wanna go as a zombie. And I was gonna get glo-sticks. FOR FUNS :D And using chewy blood pastilles. They make it look like your mouth is bleeding, xD Then I'll put some fake blood on [x I'm planning on getting some normal fake blood and make it look like I'm crying blood O: And I'm gonna draw lines coming from the side of my mouth and then put like lines over it to look like it is stitched up. I'm also using like black and grey face paints around my eyes to make me look 'undead'. I'm also gonna rip up some old clothes and do zombie walks. Its gonna be so muchs funs :3

Even if we aren't going trick or treating, I'm gonna dress up anyway :D


Wake me up inside, wake me up inside, save me.
