Why hello there my young paddowan! ~(^_^)~ ... Sorry, star wars moment! xD Gonna keep this short and sweet becaus I am supposed to be tidying my room and my parents shall kill me if they find me on here.. So, shh! *Turns invisible* I was never here! Oh yeah and OMG FALL HALF TERM IS OFFICIALLY HERE!! WEEK OFF SCHOOL TO GO PARTYING!!! XD
First Lesson: History! I like history, its interesting and one of my favourite lessons! That probably made me sound very nerdy but who cares! Todays lesson was kinda boring though!
Second Lesson: Food Tech! One of my other favourite lessons! I have like 5 favourite lessons! Today we planned what we were gonna cook after fall half term! I shall tell you about it when i start cooking!
Third Lesson: French... Not one of my favourites xD Today was kinda boring... We are doing the weather... I dunno why as we did it in grade 6! (I am in grade 8 atm)
A special shoutout to DevilAngle315 and IchigoShirayuki, my friends off the chat!
Thanks for reading,