PINCH, PUNCH FIRST OF THE MONTH, NO RETURNS! Heh, i beat you! I like november! It is the last month of Falll!! Lalalalalalalala *Dances in Fall leaves* Wheeee!!!! Great month and I am sepecially looking forward the 3rd because I find out wether I passed my Judo test or not! Oh yeah, and its my sisters birthday! I wonder what she gets... I dunno what I shall get her. Some make up or jewellery or something like that! I am supposed to be at the Sailing Club Laing Up Lunch. It is where you tidy up all the boats and then eat and then go through the awards ceremony. The only reason I didn't go this year was because I wasn't going to pass, my instructor told me so... I am not sad about it though, it gives me a chance to practice more with the Feva's and Pico's! I like Pico because they are small and you can go by yourself. You don't have to worry about other people. Anyway, instead, I took Adam home and that took ages so it takes meup to Now.
Jack :)