Sunday, 8th November '08, Time: 18:58pm

Hey there! I realised today. I have an obsession. With... LUCARIO! He is so cool though. Today, I had a really boring day so I went into town and had a look round. I went into Woolworths and saw a pack of pokemon cards. It had Lucario on the front. I was like And in my mind things were singing like angels, It was destiny. I bought it. But I didn't get Lucario. =[ But I got Chatot so that was all good :) I stayed up until midnight last night and read 9 books!!! I read Shaman King 7-10, DeathNote 7 and 8, Kingdom Hearts1 1, Kingdom Hearts2 1, Kekkaishi 2! I got up extra late this morning. I was originally going to meet up with my cousin Shizuku-Chan (SecretMusic) but she had a practice thing and we didn't meet in the end but, this gave me some time to do drawing! I drew; Bason in Spirit Flame mode, Me in Spirit Flame mode and Tao Ren's tatoo! I drew like 20 other pictures but they weren't that good so I screwed them up and threw them away!

Well thats all for today so,


