I HATE HIM! Joseph - Fricking - Pitcher! He is so mean and he bullies me constantly, I HATE HIM!!!!!!¬!!!!!!! He keeps on threatening to hit me. He came right up to my face and goes, "Guess what I am gonna do to you? I am gonna bash your face in!" And I am thinking to myself, "Just hit him. Bash his face. No-one will care." But because I have no guts (Curse my nice nature) I just walked off. They should send him away. Somewhere far away! Like The Artic. Actually no, that is no-where near far enough. Send him to pluto where he can freeze his arse off. To warm up he might do some exercise and lose some of the fat weight that he lugs around on his fat body! No actually, send him to the sun! I hate Him. End of. But good news is that I might be going to Ipswich (The next big town over) on Saturday with my best friend! Should be great! Anyway, today, I HATE HIM! Sorry, keep on getting kinda side-tracked...