Damn, I got me tagged...

Read this xD

Had any pets

Had any siblings
I didn't kill her if that is what you are implying xD I have one, a very annoying sister..

Been kissed
Yes once/

Made out with someone

Kissed just a friend
No, they were my gf obv.

Made out with just a friend
No. If you read 2 spaces above you will get my answer. SILLY PERSON!

Been out of your town
Yeah, loads!

Been out of your state

Been out of your country

Eaten sushi
No but the sound of raw fish doesn't appeal to me...

Eaten out for every meal of the day

Been to Disneyland or Disney World
Yep it was cool!

Been to six flags

Been skiing
No, I wanna go snowboarding...

Been on myspace for more than 15 hours
No, I don't use MyFace

Loved someone but there was no point in loving that person
Yeah... ):

Moved houses
Yeah when I was like 4!

Eaten anything gross for money
I may have licked a tiny part of a pigs heart for £20! o////o

Eaten anything gross for free
Err, No.

Done more than 5 surveys in 1 day

Tried orange juice mixed with coffee creamer
No, but it sounds kinda interesting...

Gotten a detention
No! Not yet anyway!

Gotten a referral
Dunno what one of them is so, I am guessing No.

Been beaten up

Beaten up someone else
Been close to but I haven't...

Been dumped
Yes.. ):

Dumped someone
Yes.. ):

Cried yourself to sleep

Lauged so hard you cried
Loads of times!

Blown a bubble but accidentally spit out your gum
Yes, many a time!

Have caught yourself drooling
Yeah, In science class... I nearly fell asleep...

Played On a Game Show

Been On TV

Been on the radio

Omg, they happen all the time!

Thought about death
Loads... Not suicidally though

Considered suicide

Been emo
Oh, wouldn't you like to know! No, but i had a knife and got really close to...

Had a diary
Yes but only for like a week...

Been to TGI friday's
Dunno what that is!

Had strawberry applesauce
Never tried it ):

Been in the rain without an umbrella
Yes, I like getting a bit wet

Given away money just cause you felt like it
Yep, to my friends...

Thrownup in public
Not that I can remember..

Thrownup so hard that it came out your nose
Yes, It wasn't nice.

Thrownup on someone
Erm, No.

Eaten something so gross it made you gag

Been swimming
Yes! Loads xD

Been on a sports team
Nahhh, Don't like sport

Been on a camel
Not yet but soon hopefully!

Been on a horse
Not that I can remember,,,

Jumped on a trampoline
Yeah, love trampolines

Eaten cottage cheese
Yes... Blegh.

Turned up the music so loud your ears started ringing
All the time! I love music!

Had a dream about the person you like/love/are crushing on
Yes... o/////o

Had a scary dream

Peed in a pool
I reckon everyone has when they were little

Pooped in a pool
Eugh. No.

Had a beverage come out your nose
Yes. And up my nose once for a dare at my mates party...

Cussed at your parents
Cussed... If that means swear, then yes once, accidently thinking out loud....

Turned down a dare
Yes... It was to kiss this really weird dude! Blegh.

Turned down a truth

Eaten liver and onions
No, it doesn't really appeal to me...

Thought about why the grass is green
Yeah, whilst me and my friends were relaxing at the Grove.

Thought about why people arent upside down when they are at the southpole
Lol, that always makes me laugh!

Cried when your feelings were hurt
Yes, but not infront of others....

Cried when you were hurt

Been laughed at

Been called a nerd
Yes... By Jospeh - Fricking - Pitcher!

Been called emo
Yes! All the time... By my sister...

Taken a picture of an inanimate object
Yesah quite a bit...

Said a really random word in dead silence
Umm, yeah... I have weird conversations in my head and I sometimes blurt words out... o/////o

Played cricket
Yeah, at school

Played hockey
Yeah, at school, I don't like Hockey...

Searched random words on google
Yeah, Its rather funny

Been to jukepix.com
Don't have a clue what that is, so no.

Been high
No but I know people who have!

Eaten so much that you gained 5 pounds or more
Yes, I feel so bad now...

Been concered about your weight
Not really...

Laughed at someone who got hurt
Yes, It was accidental and I helped then afetrwards!

Been a member to a private gym/pool complex
Yep :)

Ignored someone just to annoy them?
Yeah, sorry Laura!

Thrown something at your teacher
No, but sometimes I wanna...

