...I set my clock early, coz I know I'm always late...

I have changed my idea on here!! Instead of using just plain old, "Monday, 2nd December..." Etc. I am just gonna use song lyrics that I have heard and liked and thought had something personal to me, if you know what I mean... Todays was chosen because I am always late getting out of bed and getting to school

I decided to be a rebel (xD) and put a picture of myself on here... I always wonder what everyone else looks like and I thought I should put one of me, incase anyone is curious... Doubt anyone is though... Look below,...

What do you think? Its not very new... And now I look back on it, I think I need straightners if I want to grow an emo-fringe as my hair always curls at the front... It kinda annoys me but hey ho...

Today was fun... In French, we just messed around... The substitute teacher had a massive arse and she kept on bending over! It was like the bloody GRAND CANYON!!!! Eugh, *Shudder* And she had bad breath... It was icky *ShudderShudder*

In history... I WON CHOCOLATE!!! Mmm... Chocky chcoclate... Milk Chocolate. I love chocolate!!!

Then PE. Jospeh threw a shoe at me because I called him fat. He kept on calling me Ginger Jack, so I called him fat and then he threw a shoe at me and now I have an abnormally large red mark of a shoe on my right thigh.

Thanks for reading!! ^^

