... Another hidden word sets off an unsuspecting herd...

Title Because: Rumors are made by hoardes of children hearing the end of conversations...

Eugh. This is too hard. I can't be bothered to try and come up with song lyrics that have something to do with me, so I am just gonna choose any old song yrics...

I am really annoyed with someone today... Because someone did something to my friend and they refuse to tell anyone about it... I know what happened and I am utterly appaled by all of it. I don't think they know how serious this is.

I had to go to the dentists today. I nearly bit her finger. She said, "Bite down, please." So I bit down. I think I did it a bit to hard and aa bit too fast. I nearly bit her finger off but luckily she got her finger out in time Hannah (my sister) said it would have been funny if I had bit her finger though... May have been a bit messy though...

Today was pretty uneventful during school and went soooo slowlyyyy...

Thanks for reading,

