... Am I more than you bargained for, yet I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear...

Eugh. Love. Why do I bother with it? I like someone but they are going out with someone else... I had to reject the same person again as in this link TEH LINK In the first paragraph. I don't really know why I bother with love anymore.

Wow... Today was boring... Nothing really happened... But I made my name out of little cubes in maths... I would upload a picture but I lost my phone cable so I can't...

I got sent out of the room in science because I am a rebel. No, not really. Its coz I was in the vicinity of someone messing around and annoying someone else. I got told off for it!!! I was like, "WTF?!"

I found out some news today. I am going to London tomorrow. That is good because I love London and I can go to the converse shop but I have to get up at 5:30am (=_= Much!?!) to get a bus at 6:30am. I dislike public transport for many reasons. So tomorrow should be interesting.

Thanks Guys and gals,
