...Do you recall, the day we kissed, up on the coast, surrounded by the mist I gave you my world, to

Heh... Sorry 'bout the such long title but I like all of the lyrics to that part of the song, so I put all of them in... But it does mean something to me, actually quite alot when you (I really but anyhoo...) come to think of it... It was about a gf and something else, but I don't want to go back to that, it made me depressed. Plus, its a long story

Eugh. School is boring. It drags on so much... What a drag... (Shikamaru Style there xD )

First lesson...
Eugh... Maths with Mr Hawkridge. We are doing graphs still.... Why can't we move onto something actually challenging? I wish I went to a decent school, at this one, we do nothing hard, it all seems to be easy. I was mainly thinking about 6th form really, besides other stuff... I wanna go to a different school for 6th Form, something like NorthGate or Farlingaye or Woodbridge... But the prices are really high... So... I guess I am stuck here... No offence to Shizuku or Kaede or Laura.

Then... Science with Mrs Dowdeswell... I couldn't work with the person I wanted to (Elle) so I had to work with Emily. She hates me for no reason but I worked okay and got it done... I am supposed to be doing well in science, but I don't think I am xD

Finally, Geography. We had to do a speech. We got top marks... Apart from that though, I didn't pay attention and got bored like always... I am going to drop Geography when I get to Year 10.

Sorry for such a long post but, lots to say!

Jack ^^
