... Do you remember the way, I held your hand, Under the lampost and ran...

I had art this morning and I am doing really badly... I am only getting a C+ atm... But that was my unfinished work, so I shall have to wait until next week to find out... Today was the big sweetie day.. This is where Me, Chris and Grace bring in sweets to share out between us all during the day. We would have shared them out more evenly if me and chris and grace hadn't been split up because we had to share secondary resources with other people!!!! Chris and Grace were near each other and they shared all of chris's sweets! Plus, Grace had forgotten to bring sweets, but she might be bringing them in tomorrow. Hope so. This probably makes me sound really childish but I was hungry.

Thn we had science... Me and Grace shared my sweets. I would have shared them with Chris but he got moved because him and Grace kept on argueing... So he got none and we have now got Beth in our Sweetie Day Group because she sits near us in Art and Science and Geography.

After that we had geography. I felt ill (Serves me right, doesn't it!), so I gave the rest of my sweets to Elle... Overall, it was a good day... Good sweets anyway

OMG! Me and my friend might be attempting to start a manga!!! I doubt it will be very good but its worth a try I don't know when we are starting but it should be relatively soon!


