... Take your tears, put 'em on ice, coz I swear I'll burn the city down to show you the life...

=_= I. Hate. Homework. I need to get it done faster or I can't come on here and can't to all you guys and it makes me sad... ):


Today (Friday 12th December) was alright really... In the morning I was invited to go and see a football match but I declined because I don't like football... I have been told I am weird before because of this as most of the boys at our school love football but in my ownn opinion I believe that football is completely pointless, I mean, why would you want to kick a small ball around and then into a net! (No offence to anyone who likes football though) I havegone to see them before and I will admit I enjoyed watching them a bit but all we really did was sit in a cold stand and shout and clap every so often. The last game I went to see I foiund rather funny because the opposing team's supporters were shouting and screaming swearwords because we beat them 6-0

Because I have nothing to do tomorrow, I am going to turn my "Alone" story into a manga... So that should be 2 manga's on the way but I don't know when and I don't think they will be very good but ho-hum.

Right, I am going now, I shall cast myself out of the nice, warm, cosy library and into the wet and cold outside and freeze my left ear off. xD

