... All of this time, I can't believe I didn't see, you were right in front of

Sorry that I didn't post yesterday and most of the other days before that... Its just, its christmas and you have christmas shopping, wrapping, writing cards... Well I haven't done the last 2 ones but ho-hum.

Anyway, I am in love with yet another song... I love it, I found seet msuci for it for piano and am now learning it.

On the growing longer hair front, things are going well.

I am still growing it though. Hopefully it will be long enough for an emo fringe soon. At least I hope so. But I am not gonna keep my hopes up. It'll probably be a while. But, oh well.

I have ordered my converses and they should be coming soon!!

I need to go and do other stuff now so, see y'all later

