Keep quiet, Nothing comes as easy as you, stay in your bed all day...

WHOOT, WHOOT! I have written all of my christmas cards! *Does victory dance of victoryness* I just need to do some wrap some presents and I shall be all set!!

I was on student reception today and I was with henry... It was funny... Apart from when someone got punched in the face and had their lip cut. He was okay but then later his dad came in, effing and blinding. It was scary. I thought he was gonna punch something or brake something.... He was SWEARING AND EVERYTHING!!!!!!! I was like, He also said someone in our year looked like Shrek... I found that quite funny really... It was Michael Cox he was referring too. I always thought he looked like an albino rat. It was rather funny. Mrs Lambert was trying to deal with him, whilst me and me and henry were quickly ushered into the office and given chocolate biscuits... They werre yummy ;D Mine was chocolate and orange... But I missed out on art, science and resistant materials.

I had haribo and I shared them out with everyone...

Elle made me dance with her randomly... I was like -_-... But I liked it really... I have never danced with someone before.. I reckon she was just doing it for a joke though... But ho-hum,.,,

Anyway. I reckon I have probably bored you enough...So...

Cya Laters,

