... I bleed it out, dig in deeper, just to throw it away...

EUGH. She is pissing me off. This person keeps on getting jealous at me and some other girls, who ARE only my friends and nothing more.... To be honest, I think that she should be happy for me, instead of just getting jealous and jumping to conclusions. I still want to be friends with her but after this I doubt she would want to be friends again... But anyway...

But on the brighter sides of things...

MY CONVERSES CAME IN TODAY!!!! They are so cool!!!! I 'em,. They are limited edition too!! I might take a picture of me wearing them... But I will be wearing them tomorrow for the dress down day at school!

Tomorrow, we have a kind of half day at school... As it is the last day of term, we have one lesson first period, half a lesson second period, and then we go to our form bases all afternoon and PARTAY!!! I bought some Sensation Crisps and some OREOS!!! Oreos=YUMMEH!!!!


