... I left my consience, pressed between the pages of a book...

I shall now tell you the story of one boy(Me) and his stupidness (Mine.)

Well, I was doing my project for history and was sitting on the big comfy chair and I feel it start vibrating. And I am like "Wtf?" and then I dismiss it. It happens again and then I say to Squee on msn, "OMG. I am freaked out. I swear my chair is vibrating." We then had a lengthy conversation about what it could be. Idea's were; my ass was vibrating (I think I would know if my own ass was vibrating), Choji had visited England and was making the ground vibrate, therefore making my chair vibrate or I was just imagining it. Then I was like, "Who you gonna call? VIBRATINGCHAIRBUSTERS!" Then we thought, If it was Choji, it would be him and his father stuck together, because they thought the glue was icing sugar and accidentally stuck themselves together. Then Squee called me an idiot. I mean me? AN IDIOT? PAH! xD I then got fed up and shouted, "THATS IT! I AM THROUGH WITH THIS! I AM SITTING IN A DIFFERENT CHAIR!" I got up and then on my seat, I saw my phone. I was like "Hell No." It turns out the vibrating was my phone, recieving texts. Then Squee called me an idiot again.

And thats about it. The story of one boy and his stupidity.

I'm not an idiot. Just not as smart as the rest of you.

