... I'm in the buisness of misery, second from the top...

Hmmm... Lonely day today...

I got out of bed at 8 and watched 5 hours of Naruto. I think that Sasuke is a n00b. He acts like such a wuss. I mean, it can't have hurt that much and he freezes up like so much. Every other second. Espicially whilst fighting Orochimaru dude. I don't like Orochimaru. He looks like Michael Jackson. He could use Michael Jackson no Jutsu and moonwalk all over Sasuke whilst he freezes up... That would make for a funny episode...

I then came on here... Watched more Naruto... I think I am obssesed.

Thats about it...

One more thing. Anny. I need to talk to you ASAP. It is important.

Thats all for now mes aimes

