... Typical, I leaveyou alone and like a storm, I'll turn my love around...

Okay then...

Wow. Lately, I have been standing up to people more... Yesterday, I stood up to someone because they were being really mean to someone. I dunno why I stood up to them, I didn't even know who the person they were picking on but 1 random act of kindness, I guess. But I had a reason for standing up to them, they had picked on me before. But yeah, I stood up to them and they backed off. I was happy... Until, they slapped me and attempted to spray Skankfume (Perfume) in my eyes. Luckily, the perfume didn't go in my eyes but it went all in my hair (I ducked down to avoid it and it got in my hair) and I smelt like it all day until I got a shower and washed it out. Today, I stood up for Laura, because I am groovy-o look that. Well, we were in DT today and I was talking to her and Katie walks up to us and goes to me, "Why do you hang around with her, shes an idiot" To which I reply, "The same reason you hang around with all those chavs." I am surprosed she didn't slap me after that >> Then she got all b****y. At least I think she did. I keep on forgetting stuff.

Jack, signing out~♪
