... Don't look down, don't look down, don't look into the eys of the dark..

I have been uploading lots lately!!! :D
Its all thanks to Squee really. She said I was really good and told me to draw more and told me how to upload stuff from my tablet. So yeah, Thanks squee!
I have decided. I shall do requests if anyone wants any... I shall put a little request thing up in my introduction if anyone wants one but I will only do 3 at a time xD
You know whos cool? Djayy! She gave me my first request!!! Plus, she is also rather epic~! Her cousins are funny too xD But, me no likey espagnol. xD Funny times...
New picture.

As you can tell, I never have anything to do,.
I like this picture though.
So yeah
Thats just all thats been happ'nin' lately.
Jack wuvs you all xD
