... Does your husband know the way, the sunlight gleams from your wedding cake...

I have got ten hugs and 7 favourites on Djayy's Request!!! :D I am so happy :D

You know what?
I hate freaky chainmail. Its so... Freaky. I just got one about a sleepover and someone got raped and skinned alive. I was like... "OMFGWTFBBQ Is that about?!" At the end it says,,, If you don't forward this it shall happen to you tonight... And guess what? I didn't send it, I am so hardcore xD That was like 3 days ago and I am not dead xD That was never gonna happen. xD But yeah, I PWNED THE CHAINMAIL. I think. At least... In my head I did. :D I'm so insane :3

I had such did such a cool thing after school! This is what happened (It was on MSN)
Jack goes on webcam.
Jack:*Playing with Paperclips*
Jack: *Finds a red one*
Alex: Its just a paperclip. >>'
Jack: Fine.
Jack: *Finds a yellow paperclip*
Alex: Its STILL just a paperclip.
Jack: Go get some imagination.
Alex: I have imagination. You, You are just weird.
Jack: This paperclip of doom WILL eat you one day xD

Music: West Coast Smoker - Fall Out Boy
Time: 18:59
